Why You Should Have One Anchor Text Per Page


When you start the SEO activity for your website, you want to get the best results in the shortest time period. If you start looking on the internet, you will come across many individuals who advise you that it is ok to use different ways to link to the same page . Many people also state that using different anchor text is not a black hat practice. Both these are correct but they are only partially correct.

You see SEO is all about getting different people to link back to your website. However, what you need to realize is that a website is made up of different web pages. So when you start your SEO activity, you need to divide the activity for each web page. What this means is that on day one, you should promote page 1-3, on day two  you should promote page 4-6 and so on  and so forth.

When the search engines start ranking your web page, they look for people who try to promote all web pages together on a daily basis. This is classified as spamming and actually harms the website. When you consider anchor texts, Yes, you can have separate anchor texts in one page. However,  it makes no sense because only the first anchor text is taken into consideration and the others just serve as placeholders.

Since they will never be of any use to your SEO activities, they will continue to remain on your page and not have any value addition. So remember- one anchor text per page and controlled marketing are the best SEO practices.