2014 trending Topics – Google 2014 year in review |Google Doodle


Wishing on New Year’s Eve with an interesting Google Doodle has become a tradition since 2012 and again Google excellently kept this tradition alive with reviewing the entire year in doodle.

At this time Google has launched – 2014 Trending Topics in more than 24 languages. User can poke deeper by clicking on doodle to do a search. These trending topics are presenting hot news picked from 2014 to reviewing complete year.

Let’s take a rapid recap of 2014 with a trendy topics list that made an amazing imprint to be thinking again as the year fades out.


Doodle is remarking Flappy bird a new smart phone game which is converted into football after kicking by L, which is reminding 2014 FIFA world cup. A gripping tale about the  adventurous Journey of European Space Craft – Philae Lander to comet is reminding while animated spacecraft lands on ‘O’ and  1 is transformed into Mangalyaan – India’s mission to conquer the Red Planet. While cold water raining through bucket on ‘2’ memorizing “ Ice Bucket Challage

A user can visit more trendy topics by clicking on doodle and also can filter topics from more than 24 countries. USA listing is devoted to Robin Williams – A American Comedian, passed away in 2014, EBOLA virus attack,  Missing Malaysia Airline and Flappy bride.

There is no if-but no one can imagine that what Google thinking next to entertain its user, but the way Google summarizes the whole year is brilliant.