Now, Create 'robots.txt' file at your root directory. Copy above text and paste into the text file.
When search engines crawl they check out for the robot.txt file present in the domain root. If it is found, they will read the file list of directories to view the files and directories. Why? To check whether they are blocked from crawling.
You can create a file using a robots.txt file generator tool. While using this tool, Google and other search engines will try to figure out which pages on your website must be excluded. So, in other words, it means files created by the robots.txt generator will be opposite of the sitemap, which shows which page needs to be included.
It is easy to create a new one or even edit the existing robots.txt file for your website. Well, all you need to do is use the robots.txt file creator. To upload an existing file and pre-populate the robots.txt file generator tool, you must simply type or paste the root domain URL at the top of the text box. Then you need to click the Upload button.
Furthermore, you can use the robots.txt generator tool to create directories using either the Disallow or Allow directories (Here, Allow will be the default) for the user agents, especially for specified content on your website.
Your top competitors have invested huge amounts into their marketing strategies for years. So, it has become easy for you to know where they currently rank. Also, you get to know from where they get the best keywords and even track the latest opportunities as and when they emerge.
Using a robots.txt file will provide you with various options -
• Pointing to search engines the most essential pages of yours.
• Making search engines ignore duplicate pages, especially those formatted for printing.
• Avoid searching for certain content on the website (like images, documents, etc.).
Backlinks range niche
100 10-20 Any
100 10-30 Any
100 30-40 Any
100 40-50 Any